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Individualized nutritional support makes the difference!

The EFFORT study observed that protocol-guided individualised nutritional support reduces the risk of adverse clinical outcomes in medical inpatients at nutritional risk.

Does individualized nutritional support for medical patients at nutritional risk improve clinical outcomes? 

"YES" answers the exceptional randomized and prospective EFFORT study published in 2019 in Lancet by Schuetz, et al. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31030981/

During the study, 5015 patients were screened, and 2088 were recruited and monitored between April 1, 2014, and Feb 28, 2018.

"Interpretation: In medical inpatients at nutritional risk, the use of individualized nutritional support during the hospital stay improved important clinical outcomes, including survival, compared with standard hospital food. These findings strongly support the concept of systematically screening medical inpatients on hospital admission regarding nutritional risk, independent of their medical condition, followed by a nutritional assessment and introduction of individualised nutritional support in patients at risk."

At Dim3 we have created the tools to support hospitals to easily integrate those recommendations into daily practices to deliver value for patients.

Visit our Nutrow page to learn more : https://www.dim3.com/en/nutrow